UK Steel Charter
Find out what steps you could take in order to increase the social, economic and environmental value of your procurement decisions.

Our Signatories
See which organisations have signed the UK Steel Charter and the steps they are taking to support our vital strategic industry and add value to their projects.
The UK Steel Charter has a new website: UKSteel.org/uk-steel-charter.
The UK Steel Charter builds on existing government policy aimed at supporting the steel industry through a more strategic approach to public procurement. The UK Steel Charter provides organisations with a range of simple, practical steps they can take to open up their procurement approach, increase opportunities for UK steel producers, and manufacturing supply chains, and maximise the economic and social value of their projects.
Benefits of signing the UK Steel Charter
The benefits of supporting the UK steel industry and UK manufacturing are clear and numerous, they include:
- Increase the economic value a project delivers to the UK
- Increase the ability and potential of each prject to spread its economic benefits across the UK
- Increase the interest in the competitive process and therefore help deliver best value for money
- Deliver against a wider range of outcomes, such as the social and environmental benefits that can flow from procurement decisions
- Provide a strong pipeline of projects in the UK that helps anchor manufacturing and accompanying innovation, here in the UK.