EEF Ltd, trading as MAKE UK, is a company limited by guarantee. We do not have shareholders, instead our members act as our guarantors.
We are governed by our Corporate Board of Directors which comprises a balance of both member and independent non-executive directors. This ensures that MAKE UK is run by the members for the members with the benefit of independent expertise and oversight.
MAKE UK’s Corporate Board of Directors comprises primarily non-executive Directors, plus the Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Finance Officer. Collectively, they are responsible for governing MAKE UK, using their wealth of knowledge and experience to provide leadership, guidance and strategic direction.
To ensure good governance the following Corporate Board Sub-Committees have been established:
- Nomination and Remuneration Committee
- Audit and Risk Committee
- Finance and Investment Committee
- Ethics Committee
Day-to-day operational management is delegated to the Executive Board. Our National Membership Board is our national member forum drawing together our regional, sector and subject voices into our overarching advocacy position. Our National Membership Board reports periodically into our Corporate Board of Directors.