Our Advantages Programme


Visiativ are one of our Advantages partners, they are R&D tax relief specialists and provide guidance and support to our members.

HMRC’s R&D tax relief scheme is one of the government’s most generous forms of tax relief. Designed to encourage innovation, the programme rewards qualifying companies with tax relief based on how much money they’ve invested in R&D.

It’s available to all kinds of businesses attempting to achieve technical advances within their field. Last year alone HMRC gave £3.45billion of relief back to UK companies, £860million of which was awarded to businesses operating in the manufacturing industry sector.
Make UK Advantages Partner Visiativ  is a leading R&D tax relief specialist, guiding companies through the complexities of submitting claims to HMRC. 

We believe that companies get the best results by using people who actually understand the science of what they do. Our large team of technical analysts combines specific scientific and technical backgrounds with years of industrial experience, enabling them to identify all available eligible activity and then translate very technical information into meaningful reports that are fully compliant with HMRC’s R&D guidelines. If you have eligibility, no one is better equipped to find it for you than Visiativ.

Make UK Members can get a free R&D tax credit consultation and analysis of the potential returns you might expect.

Contact Sandy Findlay, Partnership Director.

ABGI-UK rebranded as Visiativ in 2023.