Uncovering Bias; the impacts of stereotyping, micro aggressions and unconscious bias
In this half day Uncovering Bias; the impacts of stereotyping, micro aggressions and unconscious bias course, aimed at all employees, delegates will learn about bias, micro aggressions and the impacts and how to tackle it in the workplace. Delegates completing this course will, be able to understand the different types of bias, stereotyping and micro aggressions. They will also understand the effects of these different types of behaviours in the workplace and learn how to minimise the risk / impact of these behaviours in the workplace.
Course content
- What is bias
- Where does bias come from
- Stereotyping
- Micro aggressions
- Common types of bias
- Effects of bias
- How to tackle bias in the workplace
By completing this course, delegates will:
Be aware of unconscious bias in themselves and others and have the necessary knowledge and skills to minimise its effects whilst making decisions and judgements in the workplace.