Safe Mounting of Abrasive Wheels Course
This one-day abrasive wheels training course at our Technology Hub in Aston, Birmingham is designed for employees and apprentices who change and mount abrasive wheels. Offered through either our state of the art Technology Hub in Aston, Birmingham or on your factory floor, the course will cover all aspects of the safe use of abrasive wheels and meets the training requirements under the PUWER 1998 Regulations.
Course Duration:
1 day
Make UK Technology Hub, 6 Nobel Way, Birmingham B6 7EU
Course content
- Legal requirements
- Hazards arising from use of abrasive wheels
- Abrasive wheels marking system, inspection and testing, storing, handling and transportation
- Practical session – dressing and truing abrasive wheels
- Practical session – mounting and balancing of abrasive wheels.
There are no pre-requisites for this course.
No assessment but delegates receive a certificate of attendance.
More details
By completing this course, delegates will:
Be able to change abrasive wheels with a minimum risk to their own and others’ health and safety.