Gender Pay Reporting


This course is aimed at anyone who is tasked with collating pay gap data, crunching the numbers, or explaining and justifying the methods used to interested parties.

It aims to explain your legal obligations around collating pay data and calculating pay gaps. It shows delegates how to understand and apply a disciplined ‘best practice’ approach, which is as straight-forward as possible, given the legal requirements. It also enables delegates to scope the likely resourcing requirements of creating a pay gap report.

Course enquiry form

Course Content

  • Legal obligations
  • The 7-stage data collation process
  • Legal requirements when calculating the ethnicity pay gap
  • Collating data and calculating bonus pay gaps
  • Understanding the gaps
  • Gender pay gap strategy

By completing this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Explain your legal obligations, and the disadvantage of failing to comply
  • Apply a 7-stage data collation process
  • Run the Report: crunching the numbers
  • Collate data and run reports in relation to bonus gaps
  • Explain how to benchmark, investigate, explain and risk assess your pay gaps
  • Create and apply a ‘good practice’ gender pay strategy, to tackle gaps

This is a Level 4 Course