£220.00 +VAT
Members:  £175.00 +VAT

Managing investigations

In this half day course, aimed at Managers and Supervisors, delegates will learn how to define what an investigation is, understand the relevant points of employment law and state the key stages of an investigation and who should conduct them. Delegates will learn how to conduct a thorough and structured investigation from start to finish, within the current law.

Course content

The course will include the following subjects:

  • Investigation- definition and purpose;
  • The 5 step process
  • Preparation
  • Handling an investigation meeting
  • Gathering evidence
  • The investigation conclusion
  • Next steps
Course Duration:

Half day
9.30am - 1.00pm

Course Duration:

Half day
9.30am - 1.00pm

Course Duration:

Half day
9.30am - 1.00pm

Key Information

Price:   £220.00 +VAT
Members:  £175.00 +VAT

This is a Level 2 & 3 Course