Brexit grid
How to prepare for Brexit
Find out what you should be doing in order to prepare your business for Brexit.
Advice from HMRC
Take these necessary steps to prepare for exporting and importing post Brexit.
- Get an Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number that starts with GB.
- Decide if you want to make customs declarations yourself or get help.
- If you’re making declarations yourself, you’ll have to get software to use the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight system.
- Research the destinations you want to export to. This background information, along with the commodity code of the goods will help you work out if the goods will incur import duty in the destination country.
- You may need to buy specialist software to use simplified procedures.
- You could be entitled to financial help to help your business complete customs declarations.
- If you already have authorisations to use special or simplified procedures check if they still apply.
- Make sure your contracts and International Terms and Conditions of Service show you are now an importer.