What are T Levels?
Engineering and Manufacturing T Levels are technical qualifications for young people aged 16-19. They were created in partnership with employers of all sizes to make sure the skills manufacturing businesses need are being taught in schools and colleges across England.
Watch our short explainer below to learn more.
T Level industry placements and the benefits for your business
Recruiting the right people is crucial in a highly technical sector like manufacturing. Especially when long-standing skills gaps and shortages are holding many businesses back. Engineering and Manufacturing T Levels have been designed to help solve both these problems.
Each T Level involves a 45 day industry placement with an employer (spread over two years). The 45 days can be run flexibly to suit the student and business – they can be done in blocks or day release, or shared with another employer over two years.
The placement is like an extended interview. You can test if candidates are a good fit for your business by seeing their skills and knowledge in action. As well as giving students on-the-job experience, these placements can help your business find future employees, with lots of SMEs going on to recruit their T Level student at the end of their course.
We’re encouraging our members, small and large, to join the many businesses already benefiting from T Levels. T Level industry placements are a great way of building a pipeline of new talent. Lots of employers we’ve spoken to end up recruiting their T Level student at the end of their course, either directly into their business or as an accelerated or higher-level apprentice.
"With long-standing skill shortages often holding our sector back, we see T Levels as an opportunity to develop the manufacturers of tomorrow and ensure businesses have the talent they need to thrive.

Case Studies
Manufacturing businesses up and down the country are benefiting from T Level talent:
Dirt Driver:
After advertising for new staff post-COVID, Rob Driver, Director of this small family-run pressure washer manufacturer, felt that applicants lacked the enthusiasm and motivation to progress within the manufacturing industry. A glowing review from a local engineering film helped encourage him to try working with T Level students. He got in touch with the local college, which helped him bring two engineering students on board... >> Read more here
ACS Stainless Steel:
When taking on their T Level student Jack, construction materials manufacturer ACS Stainless Steel wanted to expose him to as many engineering tasks as possible – to test his skills and allow him to find out what he liked most. The tasks included writing code for robots, developing a yard plan, drawing in CAD, maintenance, and working in operation and R&D... >> Read more here
Iconic Engineering Solutions:
This small mechanical engineering business uses their own 3D CAD software to produce technical drawings, managing projects from design to manufacture across a range of sectors, including motorsport, with deep experience in the automotive industry. The firm is currently hosting two T Level students... >> Read more here
Hosting a T Level Placement
There are just three simple steps to finding the right T Level student for you:
Visit the T Level website.
Enter your postcode to find your nearest school or college offering T Levels.
Work with your local college or school.
Consider running a short recruitment process or conducting interviews to find the right student for you.
Once you’ve selected your T Level student, your local college or school can support you with planning the placement. The college or school can help identify tasks to address any health and safety concerns, while still adding value to your business.
Take on your T Level student!
Ask the school or college for details on what the students are learning and when. This will help you time the placement to fit the skills you need. Your school or college will support you throughout the placement with any queries you may have.
- To mark T Levels Week 2024, the Department for Education has announced changes to the delivery of T Level industry placements from January 2025, including around remote working and allowing small group projects and simulated activities in skills hubs and training centres to take place on providers’ sites – something Make UK has been asking for. Find out more here.

T Levels can help you recruit. Offering a T Level industry placement is a proven way to find and secure new talent for your business.
T Level students have the right skills. T Levels were designed with employers from across the manufacturing sector to address specific skills gaps.
T Level students make a positive impact. T Levels are rigorous qualifications, meaning students who come to you on placement will be able to hit the ground running and make a positive contribution to your business.
Yes! The feedback we’ve had from small manufacturing businesses who’ve already hosted T Level students has been overwhelmingly positive.
They say T Level students arrive with relevant technical skills, ready to work on tasks and contribute to the business.
There’s an initial time and resource commitment to consider, but it’s less intensive than taking on an apprentice.
Your first step is to contact your local college or school offering T Levels. They’ll work with you to make sure you understand what’s involved.
Finding the right T Level student for your business is a partnership between you and your local college or school.
It’s a flexible process and students will be available to start with you throughout the year.
Visit the T Level website and enter your postcode to find your nearest school or college offering T Levels.
Interested in finding out more? Visit the T Level website.
You can also register your place on our webinar - Identifying your future workforce to find out how you can use technical education to build your talent pipeline.