Dirt Driver is a small family-owned business based in rural Somerset, which designs, manufactures and assembles industrial pressure washers and steam cleaners.
Post-COVID, the company hit a busy period and needed to increase its productivity. After advertising for new staff, Director Rob Driver was disappointed as he felt that the applicants lacked the enthusiasm and motivation to progress within the manufacturing industry.
After hearing a glowing review from a local engineering firm, he was encouraged to try working with T Level students. He got in touch with the local college, which helped him bring two engineering students on board.
Rob says of their current student: “Jayden is really enthusiastic and willing to learn, he takes notes to help improve himself. He’s thrown himself into every task I’ve asked him to do. He’s been building machines, from the start all the way to the finish, then seeing it go out of the door.”
Rob believes that hosting a T Level student is beneficial for both parties: “A major positive is that we get the chance to observe them in a workplace environment, while they can evaluate us, and decide if they want a future here. You get a good insight into what they do, and how they do it, with little pressure.”
>> Learn more about T Levels and answers to the FAQs
Jayden is about to enter his second placement year at Dirt Driver. If he continues to impress, Rob can envision a future for him at the company. “His hard work has helped free up the rest of the team to get on with other tasks,” he says, “it’s definitely helped us to improve our productivity.”
He continues: “One of the reasons we work with T Level students is to freshen the age group up. The manufacturing industry is ageing, and students bring a fresh mindset and interest into the workforce, which has been brilliant for us.”
Click HERE to find out more about hosting a T Level student.