Accident investigation training


This course is aimed at those who are expected to contribute to accident investigations. It is relevant to people at all levels - from senior managers to employees and their representatives.

The one-day programme provides sound techniques which can be incorporated into an organisation’s procedures to make accident investigation more structured and consistent.

Course content

  • Legal requirements for recording and reporting accidents
  • Improved relationships with enforcing authorities and insurers
  • The financial benefits of accident prevention
  • Improved worker morale, leading to greater productivity and profitability.


There are no pre-requisites for this course.


  • A number of syndicate exercises are undertaken within the course
  • Courses run at Make UK venues include a test at the end of the day
  • Courses run at the clients address are subject to agreement with the client as to whether an end-of-course test is required
  • Where no assessment is required, the delegates receive a certificate of attendance.

Outcome / Next Steps

  • Receive up to three CPD points
  • Learn accident investigation techniques
  • Learn interviewing techniques
  • Have an ability to suggest recommendations based on relevant information.

Why Choose Make UK to Study?

Make UK Environmental, Health & Safety team are dedicated to improving EHS knowledge and performance in individuals and companies across the UK. Our courses are designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to manage fire safety responsibilities effectively. Our trainers are professional consultants with industry recognised qualifications and practical experience.